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Revive Texas is a group of students seeking to create a weekly gathering for Christ on UT's campus. Many of us have come to UT's campus inspired by the works of ministries like Breakaway at Texas A&M, Vertical at Baylor, Crossover at OU, and so many more. We felt the need for a neutral, safe, noncommittal environment for students to come together. hear the gospel, and worship their creator.

This project started in the fall of 2022 when God brought together our group of students to put together this ministry. Our hearts were breaking for the campus of UT and the thousands of students who do not know that they have a creator who loves them and deeply desires a relationship with them. So, we began meeting weekly to thoughtfully and prayerfully consider what building a ministry like this would look like. The first thing we did was seek out wise counsel from folks at all of the aforementioned ministries, along with pastors in the local Austin area. After a lot of thoughtful and prayerful consideration, we decided the best course of action for our ministry would be to put on a kickoff event on Wednesday, April 12th, 2022.

We desire to be a ministry that serves the found and reaches the lost. We want Christians on campus to feel like they can have a space where they can come together in unity and worship alongside members of all ministries and churches represented on campus. We also want to be a place where the nonbeliever can come to know Jesus and hear the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Revive Texas is open to any and every college student. We believe the Gospel is for everyone, and we desire to create a space where people would open their hearts to hearing it.

Revive Texas is a young organization with a long and hopeful road ahead. We acknowledge that we will make mistakes and do not have a perfect roadmap to launching a ministry. But ultimately, we desire to be faithful to God's calling for our lives and trust that He will sort out the rest. Revive Texas is an act of surrender to a faithful God, and we hope to see you come alongside us in seeing the fruit that will be produced from it!


Revive Texas exists for all college students to experience Jesus Christ and enrich their relationship with Him.

1) Energize, unify, and create momentum around the Christian community at The university of texas at austin.
2) Create an environment where all college students, in any stage of faith, are exposed to the gospel and biblical preaching. 
3) Empower students to get connected with the local church.


Prayer - We believe that prayer is essential for students to grow in their relationship with Jesus, and we believe that prayer is essential to the mission of Revive Texas. 
Scripture  - We want to ignite a passion in students for God’s Word and instill a desire for them to spend daily time in scripture.
Serving - We believe in the servant leadership demonstrated by Jesus Christ and encourage students to volunteer to serve the Kingdom of God. 
Invest and Invite - We want students to invest in others and invite them to Revive Texas in hopes that God may move in their lives through our ministry. We want students to “come and see.”

(John 1:38-39)



The Bible - We believe that the Bible is the divinely-inspired word of God, inerrant in nature and entirely productive and useful for teaching. We believe that the Bible is the best source for knowledge of God and contains insight into all areas of life at all times. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)


Triune God - We believe in one God existing eternally through 3 persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that none of these entities were created and are all equally God. (Matthew 28:18-20, 1 Peter 1:1-2)


Man - We believe that man is inherently sinful and falls short of God's perfect standard. Man is also created in the image of God. (Genesis 1, 3, Romans 3:23)


Jesus Christ - We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, who died and was risen from the dead to save us from our sin. Belief in this truth is the only way to salvation. Christ lived the sinless life we could not live, being fully God and fully Man in human form. Jesus died on the cross bearing the weight of the sins that we could not bear ourselves. On the third day after His death He rose from the dead and conquered death, allowing us to live eternally with Him. (John 1, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, Romans 8:3)


Holy Spirit - We believe The Holy Spirit is received upon accepting Jesus Christ as our savior. The Holy Spirit guides us on our walk with Christ and gives us a growing relationship with God. (John 16:8, 1 Corinthians 12:7-14)


The Church - We believe that the church is essential for those who have faith in Jesus Christ as our savior. The church exists to provide unity, discipleship, and the opportunity to send out believers into the world to spread the good news of the Gospel. We believe that Jesus Christ has ordained the church to be stewards of His mission. (Matthew 16:18, Acts 20:28, Ephesians 2:20-22)




Our gatherings are held every Wednesday at 9pm (except the first week of the month) at University Avenue Church of Christ on 1903 University Ave, Austin, TX 78705.


Street parking and the bullock Texas State Museum is free! there is paid parking available at the at&t garage.

where can i park?

all college students and church leaders are welcome to come! this is a space for everyone, no matter your background. 

who can come?

You can support us financially, join our Volunteer team, or get connected with team members to take a next step with jesus.

how can i get involved?

Yes, All donations are tax deductible! contact with any questions about your donation.

are you a 501(c)3?
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